
Go Buy "A Healthy Distrust" - Sage Francis Week Pt. 2

Sage's new album, A Healthy Distrust hits today. I advise all of you to go out and buy it. It's admittedly not as good as Personal Journals or the Non-Prophets LP, but it's still a great record. Strangely enough, it's on Epitaph. Not your normal everyday hip-hopper, eh? Here are some tracks from the new album.

Sage Francis - "The Buzz Kill"
Sage Francis - "Escape Artist"
Sage Francis - "Agony In Her Body"
Sage Francis - "Slow Down Gandhi"

buy A Healthy Distrust at Amazon

5 songs itunes played while I put this post together:

Burn - "Shall Be Judged"
Wesley Willis - "Jesus Christ"
Burning Brides - "Arctic Snow"
Hot Water Music - "Dead End Streets"
Beatallica - "A Garage Dayz Nite"


Blogger Alex Segura said...

I finally listened to that CD you burned me...good shit.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Personal Journals is his best. If you like that, get the Non-Prophets CD (check out the upcoming Friday post) and the new one's really good as well. Fuck, they're all really good.

10:57 AM  

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